He showed her protectiveness, care, in which she always felt his arms around her and no harm can come to her.


Hyderabad: April 14 2022: "He led the way into his world. Which is exactly what she wanted. He led the way into his darkness he kept secret from the world, and she went willingly with a seductive grin. He showed her passion like no other, and she reveled in it. He showed her raw animalistic desire, and she closed her eyes and took it all in. She delved into it. He showed her pleasure, pain, screams'.She immersed herself into it. And it would be hours in the dark until they laid spent. He showed her love so deep and pure, that she always felt it even when he wasn't there. A love that would start wars with Trojan Horses breaking down anyone that tried to besiege it. He showed her protectiveness and care, in which she always felt his arms around her and no harm can come to her. He gave her his constant openness and honesty, that made her feel comfortable she can be fully open with him like no other. And she was. He knows things about her no one else ever knew. And she likes it that way. He does too. He gave her his arms, where she always felt safe. And she would bury herself in the nook under his arm. He took down her walls, and she let them crumble for him to ruins. Yet with all that, all that strength from him...one turn of her head to him with that wickedly bewitching look that only She knows how to give him...can make him pause, taking his breath away as the world stops."

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