Netizens Express Disdain for Adnan Siddiqui's Comment Comparing Women to Flies, Criticize his Intellect."


Karachi: 6 April 2024: After Adnan Siddiqui got in trouble for comparing women to flies, he said he's sorry if he upset anyone. He explained that he was trying to be funny, not hurtful.  In a message on his Instagram, Siddiqui said, "I want to talk about what I said.

I was trying to be funny, not mean. People often use phrases like 'slippery as a snake' in a light-hearted way. But I understand now that my words could have been misunderstood." 

"I'm sorry if I offended anyone. In the future, I'll make sure to be more careful with what I say," he added, saying he understands the importance of not promoting harmful ideas.  The incident happened on Nida Yasir's Ramadan show, Shan-e-Suhoor.

A fly was buzzing around Siddiqui and Yasir, and Yasir joked that the bug might like Siddiqui's sweet personality. But Siddiqui's response comparing women to flies didn't go down well. Even though Yasir tried to change the subject, Siddiqui continued, suggesting that women, like flies, run away from men when chased but come back when left alone.

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